Site Location:
The Parishes, The Street, Weybourne
Conservation Area
Development Typology:
Village Centre
Project Description:
Erection of Seven Residential Dwellings and Associated Outbuildings
Project Details:
The site lies within the heart of the Weybourne Conservation Area and is accessed directly off the A149 coast road. The development consists of seven new residential units with a mix of 2, 3 & 4 bed dwellings. There is one large detached house at the front of the site, a three house terrace and a mix of semi-detached units towards the rear of the plot.
It can be very challenging to integrate a development of this size within an established village centre and this is where the project really excels. The clever orientation of the site ensures the new built form does not impact on the existing adjoining properties and the development retains a street frontage but also faces inwards as you progress thorough the development. This form and layout creates a courtyard and sense of community with a close interaction between the properties.
The car parking has been well hidden within the development. The inclusion of traditional timber clad and pantile car port also makes for a nice addition to the development and ensures parked cars do not dominate.
In terms of architectural style, the units themselves are traditional in form and proportions and have been executed to a high standard. The detailing includes, porches, quoins, dentil courses, parapets and chimney stacks which all combine to create a rich and interesting grouping.
The pallet of materials is also good with subtle variation between the different units but still retaining overall cohesion. Notably, the scheme has retained and enhanced the soft verdant road frontage. There are also two mature trees on site and frontage planting to a number of the units.
Overall, this is a great example of a new housing development which has actively contributed to the character of the area and secured high quality homes which respect their setting.

Aerial View of The Parishes

Terraced Units and Seperate Cart Shed Parking

Site Plan