Site Location:
Tesco Supermarket, Cromer Road, Sheringham
Setting of Conservation Area
Development Typology:
Urban Town Centre
Project Description:
Erection of Supermarket Store
Project Details:
Sheringham Tesco arrived amid years of planning controversy and divided opinion almost at every turn. The site lies adjacent to the Sheringham Conservation Area and really marks the gateway to the commercial hub and historic core of the town.
The site itself posed a number of challenges from a design perspective. It was extremely difficult to initially decide how to orientate the building and how to address the frontages and access points. The site has three key frontages and the challenge was getting a supermarket with all is associated services and access requirements to react and address each of these frontages and approaches.
The building also had to perform multiple roles in terms of public space and form linkages to the town. These design issues have in the end all been achieved to a varying degree of success.
The design of the building itself is unquestionably striking and contemporary whilst still hinting at its North Norfolk roots. Given the nature of the building and its use that’s not something which can usually be said. The long standing seam roof, flint panels, large areas of glazing, timber posts and metal canopy all add visual interest and provide the building with a strong sense of identity. The building even picks up on the rhythm of the adjacent railway sheds.
The public realm works, new seating area and fencing have also gone a long way in improving the outlook of the site. The permeability to the town and access routes have also improved footfall to the high street.
Being able to create a successful piece of contemporary architecture as a supermarket which reacts to the confines of this site is no easy feat and that is why the project must be admired. Overall, this scheme represents a non-standard piece of bespoke design and must be seen as a unique design solution.

Knapped flintwork, oversailing eaves and undulating elevation provides an interesting design solution.

Expressed canopy and entranceway address the northern railway frontage

Mixed use residential space fronts the southern highway access